Acupuncture & Sports Massage Treatment Clinic at Excel Sports Clinic, Clifton Moor, York

Ben Elliot Acupuncture & Remedial Sports Massage is based within Excel Sports Clinic, 3 Cayley Court, Clifton Moor York, YO30 4WH. There is a host of wonderful practitioners within the clinic which means that while we each run independent businesses, there is scope for referrals or integrated treatment plans if your needs, or phase of recovery is suited to different approaches.
The treatment room is on the first floor, however there is a ground floor treatment room available if needed. The ground floor is wheel chair accessible.
There is parking outside the building, though please do make sure you only park in spaces labelled for Excel Sports Clinic. There is also on street parking available within a minutes walk of the clinic.
The waiting area in the on the first floor of the building with coffee facilities available. There are toilet facilities on the ground floor as you enter the building.